On this site you can download several tutorials for beginning with PureBasic.
But first there I would like to show you also the first books about programming with PB...
Books about PureBasic programming
Additional informations |
Tutorial |
Author |
Size |
Remark |
Update for PB v4 by Stefan 'Dostej' Mahr |
532 KB |
Basic course from simple window, over sprites until graphic effects. (german) |
Oliver Baum
Update for PB v4 by Stefan 'Dostej' Mahr |
266 KB |
Basics about handling of windows, gadgets, menu, toolbar and statusbar. (german) Original version by Oliver Baum for PB3.x |
El_Choni |
3 KB |
Programming of windows with input fields, buttons etc. |
BlueSpeed |
3 KB |
Programming of Windows console applications. (german) |
BlueSpeed |
3 KB |
Basics of programming - logical decisions & repeats (loops). (german) |
BlueSpeed |
4 KB |
Introduction into using of procedures and structures. (german) |
NicTheQuick |
6 KB |
The working with data - creating and using of arrays as well dynamically linked lists. (german) |
BlueSpeed |
3 KB |
Little tutorial about working with files in PureBasic. (german) |
BlueSpeed |
4 KB |
Introduction into using the Windows API in PureBasic. (german) |
Timo Harter
Update for PB v4 by Stefan 'Dostej' Mahr |
82 KB |
Everything about the use of pointers in PureBasic. Html and PDF edition. (german) Original version by Timo Harter for PB3.x (including PDF document) |
Steelhelmet |
--- |
Tutorial about graphic design for games. (only online available) |
LJ |
--- |
Inline assembler for beginners (from PB forum) - Offline, available per e-mail on request. |
Timo Harter |
8 KB |
Tutorial about creating a COM object in PureBasic (v3.80+) using URLDownloadToFile as example. |
Blueznl |
--- |
Survival guide for all PureBasic newbies. (will be regularly updated, you can download current version on the site) |
Paul |
14 KB |
Tutorial about loading and displaying images, on window or screen. |
Daniel Middelhede |
13 KB |
Tutorial about creating a byte-patcher - manipulating of existing (binary) files. |
Rui 'Num3' Carvalho |
65 KB |
Introduction into the database handling in PureBasic with ODBC, does also include the SQLite Syntax for using with database queries. |
Froggerprogger |
--- |
Online tutorial about the event-handling with PureBasic under Windows. |
D. Currier |
--- |
Tutorial about creating a 2D game with side-scrolling. (will be regularly updated, you can download every new chapter on the site) |
Fangbeast & LarsG |
89 KB |
Tutorial of the SQL (Structured Query Language) database language using PureBasic as the medium. Early edition, which will be updated regularly. - Current version: 05. October 2004 | |
Pedro 'BalrogSoft' Gil Guirado |
--- |
Online tutorial about programming neural networks in PureBasic. A neural network is a system to simulate a neuron (cell that transfer information inside animals brain and nerves) behavior, all neurons compose the nervous system. |
Alan Gauld |
--- |
Online tutorial for beginners in programming (general informations, program examples in Python). |
NetSlayer |
--- |
Online tutorial about the 'Basics' of programming with PureBasic. |
Udo Kessler |
1.8 MB |
Tutorial of 7 chapters, demonstrating the development of a small space shooter. |
Remi Meier |
10 KB |
Tutorial about using DLLs in PureBasic. |
Remi Meier |
--- |
Online tutorial about time-controlled game creation. If you ever wondered "how to do create a game that run at the same speed on every PC?" - here you get the answer! |
Remi Meier |
--- |
Online tutorials about implementing neural networks in PureBasic. |
Dräc |
--- |
Online tutorial about doing "Object-Oriented Programming" in PureBasic. |
Author: ?? (sent by Falko) |
108 KB |
Tutorial about the assembler basics - for all people, which want to use InlineASM in PureBasic someday ;) |
Authors: different |
--- |
Online tutorial about creating a RPG in PureBasic. |
Mereep |
445 KB |
PureBasic tutorial for beginners - from an introduction, over the program flow till the handling of windows and gadgets as well the memory handling. |
Karl |
44 KB |
The tutorial shows how to work with databases - using different development tools: PB internal commands, MDB_Lib and SQLite3. |
You want to share your knowledge about PureBasic (or programming in general) with other beginners?
You are welcome to publish your tutorial here.
Simply write an e-mail to andre@purearea.net.