UserGuide - Input & Output
Every PureBasic application can communicate and interact with the user on different ways.
Thereby we distinguish between
a) the pure output of information
b) the interaction of the PureBasic application with the user, when user-input will be taken
and the results will be outputted again.
It's not possible anymore, to use a simple "PRINT" command to output some things on the
screen, like it was possible on DOS operating systems (OS) without a graphical user interface
(GUI) years ago. Today such a GUI is always present, when you use an actual OS like Windows,
Mac OSX or Linux.
For the output of information we have different possibilities:
- Debug window (only possible during programming with PureBasic)
- MessageRequester() (output of shorter text messages in a requester window)
- Files (for saving the results in a text-file, etc.)
- Console (for simple and almost non-graphic text output, most
similar to earlier DOS times)
- Windows and gadgets (standard windows with
GUI elements on the desktop of the OS, e.g. for applications)
- Screen (Output of text and graphics directly on the screen, e.g. for games)
To be able to record and process input by the user of the PureBasic application, the three
last-mentioned output options have also the possibility to get user-input:
- in the console using Input()
- in the window using WaitWindowEvent() / WindowEvent(), which can get the events occurred in the
window, like clicking on a button or the
entered text in a StringGadget()
- in the graphics screen using the keyboard
- there is as well the possibility to get user-input using the InputRequester()
UserGuide Navigation
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