UserGuide - Storing data in memory

This example gathers information about the files in the logged on user's home directory into a structured list. For now the output isn't very exciting but we will come back to this example later on and make it a bit more friendly in several different ways.
  ; This section describes the fields of a structure or record, mostly integers in this case,
  ; but notice the string for the file name and the quad for the file size.
  Structure FILEITEM
  ; Now we define a new list of files using the structure previously specified 
  ; and some other working variables we'll use later on.
  NewList Files.FILEITEM()
  Define.s Folder
  Define.l Result
  ; This function gets the home directory for the logged on user.
  Folder = GetHomeDirectory()
  ; Open the directory to enumerate all its contents.
  Result = ExamineDirectory(0, Folder, "*.*")  
  ; If this is ok, begin enumeration of entries.
  If Result
    ; Loop through until NextDirectoryEntry(0) becomes zero - indicating that there are no more entries.
    While NextDirectoryEntry(0)
      ; If the directory entry is a file, not a folder.
      If DirectoryEntryType(0) = #PB_DirectoryEntry_File
        ; Add a new element to the list.
        ; And populate it with the properties of the file.
        Files()\Name = DirectoryEntryName(0)
        Files()\Size = DirectoryEntrySize(0)
        Files()\Attributes = DirectoryEntryAttributes(0)
        Files()\DateCreated = DirectoryEntryDate(0, #PB_Date_Created)
        Files()\DateAccessed = DirectoryEntryDate(0, #PB_Date_Accessed)
        Files()\DateModified = DirectoryEntryDate(0, #PB_Date_Modified)
    ; Close the directory.
  ; Shows the results in the debug window (if there is no entry, nothing will be displayed)
  ForEach Files()
    Debug "Filename = " + Files()\Name
    Debug "Size = " + Str(Files()\Size)
    Debug "Attributes = " + StrU(Files()\Attributes)
    Debug "Created = " + StrU(Files()\DateCreated)
    Debug "Accessed = " + StrU(Files()\DateAccessed)
    Debug "Modified = " + StrU(Files()\DateModified)
  Next Files()
Ok, firstly, the dates in the output are just numbers - this isn't very helpful, so let's make them look a bit more familiar. Replace the last three Debug statements with these:
      Debug "Created = " + FormatDate("%dd/%mm/%yyyy", Files()\DateCreated)
      Debug "Accessed = " + FormatDate("%dd/%mm/%yyyy", Files()\DateAccessed)
      Debug "Modified = " + FormatDate("%dd/%mm/%yyyy", Files()\DateModified)
The FormatDate() function takes a date in PureBasic's own numeric date format and displays it in a format that we can specify. So now things should begin to look a bit more sensible.

Finally, for now, the list isn't in any particular order, so let's sort the list before we display it. Add this line before the comment about showing the list and the ForEach loop.
  ; Sort the list into ascending alphabetical order of file name.
  SortStructuredList(Files(), #PB_Sort_Ascending, OffsetOf(FILEITEM\Name), #PB_String)
  ; If there are some entries in the list, show the results in the debug window.
This command takes the structured list, and resorts it into ascending order (#PB_Sort_Ascending), of the Name field of the structure (OffsetOf(FILEITEM\Name)), which is a string value (#PB_String).

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