Using the command line compiler


The command line compiler is located in the subdirectory 'compilers' from the PureBasic folder. The easier way to access it is to add this directory in the PATH variable, which will give access to all the commands of this directory at all times. Every command switch which starts with '/' are Windows only.

Cross-platform command switches

-h, --help, /?: displays a quick help about the compiler.

-c, --commented, /COMMENTED: creates a commented '.asm' output file when creating an executable. This file can be re-assembled later when the needed modifications have been made. This option is for advanced programmers only.

-d, --debugger, /DEBUGGER: enables the debugger support.

-pf, --purifier, /PURIFIER: enables the purifier. The debugger needs to be activated to have any effect.

-e, --executable, /EXE "filename": creates a standalone executable or DLL specified by the filename at the desired path location. On MacOS X it's possible to create an application bundle by adding '.app' to the name of the executable. This way the whole directory structure will be automatically created.

-r, --resident, /RESIDENT "filename": creates a resident file specified by the filename.

-i, --import, /IMPORT "filename": creates an import file to the given filename. Only one Import/EndImport block is allowed in the file. The imported functions will be loaded automatically for every PureBasic projects.

-l or --linenumbering, /LINENUMBERING: adds lines and files information to the executable, which can slow it considerably. This allows the OnError library to report the file and line-number of an error.

-q, --quiet, /QUIET: disables all unnecessary text output, very useful when using another editor.

-sb, --standby, /STANDBY: loads the compiler in memory and wait for external commands (editor, scripts...). More information about using this flag is available in the file 'CompilerInterface.txt' from the PureBasic 'SDK' directory.

-ir, --ignoreresident, /IGNORERESIDENT "filename": doesn't load the specified resident file when the compiler starts. It's mostly useful when updating a resident which already exists, so it won't load it.

-o, --constant, /CONSTANT name=value: creates the specified constant with the given expression. Example: 'pbcompiler test.pb /CONSTANT MyConstant=10'. The constant #MyConstant will be created on the fly with a value of 10 before the program gets compiled.

-u, --unicode, /UNICODE: uses unicode instead ascii for strings management.

-t, --thread, /THREAD: uses thread safe runtime for strings and general routines.

-s, --subsystem, /SUBSYSTEM "name": uses the specific subsystem to replace a set of internal functions. For more information, see subsystems.

-k, --check, /CHECK: checks the syntax only, doesn't create or launch the executable.

-pp, --preprocess, /PREPROCESS "filename": preprocess the source code and write the output in the specified "Filename". The processed file is a single file with all macro expanded, compiler directive handled and multiline resolved. This allows an easier parsing of a PureBasic source file, as all is expanded and is available in a flat file format. No comments are included by default, but the flag '--commented' can be used to have all untouched original source as comments and allow comments processing. The preprocessed file can be recompiled as any other PureBasic source file to create the final executable.

-g, --language, /LANGUAGE \"language\": uses the specified language for the compiler error messages.

-v, --version, /VERSION: displays the compiler version.

  CLI> pbcompiler sourcecode.pb
The compiler will compile the source code and execute it.

  CLI> pbcompiler sourcecode.pb --debugger
The compiler will compile the source code and execute it with debugger.

Windows specific command switches

/ICON "IconName.ico" : add the specified icon to the executable.

/CONSOLE: output file in Console format. Default format is Win32.

/DLL: output file is a DLL.

/XP: Add the Windows XP theme support to the executable.

/REASM: Reassemble the PureBasic.asm file into an executable. This allow to use the /COMMENTED function, modify the ASM output and creates the executable again.

/MMX, /3DNOW, /SSE or /SSE2: Creates a processor specific executable. This means if a processor specific routine is available it will be used for this executable. Therefore, the executable will run correctly only on computer with this kind of CPU.

/DYNAMICCPU: Creates a executable containing all the available processor specific routines. When the program is started, it looks for the processor type and then select the more appropriates routines to use. This makes a bigger executable, but result in the fastest possible program.

/RESOURCE "Filename": Add a Windows resource file (.rc) to the created executable or DLL. This should be not a compiled resource file, but an ascii file with the directives in it. It's possible to specify only one resource, but this file can include other resource script if needed.

/LINKER "ResponseFile": Specify a file which contains commands to be passed directly to the linker. On Windows, PureBasic use the PellesC linker (polink), more information about the possible options can be found in the related documentation.

The following two compiler options are needed for creating programs running on Microsoft Vista OS or above (Windows 7/8/10). They are both options for the included manifest, so they are ignored on older windows versions. With none of these switches, the exe will run as a normal user as well, but with virtualization turned on (i.e. registry and file redirection). It is recommended to use the /USER switch to turn of virtualization for all programs that comply to the standard user privileges, as it is only intended for compatibility for older programs. These options are also available in the IDE compiler options.

/ADMINISTRATOR: Will cause the program to request admin privileges at start. The program will not run without it. This option is needed. Note: You can also debug programs with this flag, but only with the standalone gui debugger (as it must run in elevated mode as well).

/USER: The program will run as the user who started it. Virtualization for the exe is turned off.

  CLI> pbcompiler "C:\Project\Source\DLLSource.pb" /EXE "C:\Project\project.dll" /DLL
The compiler will compile the source code (here with full path) and create the DLL "project.dll" in the given directory.

Linux specific command switches

-so or --sharedobject "filename": Create a dynamic library (shared object).

-mmx, -3dnow, -sse or -sse2: Creates a processor specific executable. This means if a processor specific routine is available it will be used for this executable. Therefore, the executable will run correctly only on computer with this kind of CPU.

-dc or --dynamiccpu: Creates a executable containing all the available processor specific routines. When the program is started, it looks for the processor type and then select the more appropriates routines to use. This makes a bigger executable, but result in the fastest possible program.

OS X specific command switches

-n or --icon "filename.icns" : add the specified icon to the executable.

-dl or --dylib "filename": Create a dynamic library (dylib object).

-f or --front: put the launched process to front.

-ibp or --ignorebundlepath: don't use the bundle path as current directory.