
Description of important 'words', you will often see when programming with PureBasic:


Application Programming Interface. Look also for "Windows API“.


A group ("collection“) of variables of the same type, which could be managed more easily by defining them as fields or elements of an indexed list or "array".


Abbreviation for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange“, a standardized (as in "ASCII code") exchange format for numbers and signs of the Latin alphabet. With that, easy data exchange between different programs and computers becomes possible.


Smallest information and storage unit in the world of computers. The word "bit" is put together from 'BInary' and 'digiT' (number). A bit contains the value 0 or 1. From 8 bits is built one 'Byte' (variable type with lowest memory consumption in PureBasic).


Used for 'vermin' and describes a program error in programming. So you should pay attention that your programs will contain as few as possible such 'Bugs' (errors)...


A program which "translates“ the source code into an understandable language for the computer and creates an executable from this.

Download access

This term is normally used for the restricted download area on, where you can download the actuall full versions and updates. A login/password you get after buying a valid PureBasic licence.

Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLL)

DLLs are modules which contain executable functions and/or data. They offer the possibility for the user to modularize his applications,and to be able to load and update them separately or to use them multiply, depending on his needs. DLLs are either contained in the MS Windows® system or distributed with an application. For the final user of an application the DLLs are less of importance. A selection of usefull DLLs is available here.


Executable program, which is created from source code by the compiler.


Mathematical construct made from variables, operators, functions and brackets, which can be evaluated. Often used in calculation and assignment of variable contents as well as for conditional program flow control.


A constant, which mostly affects the operation of a command as its parameter. Several of these constants are named 'Flags'. They can be connected by the OR-operator "|".


A control in a graphical user interface, e.g. button, listview, stringgadget, etc. In other programming languages often known as 'control'.


Graphical User Interface.


A variable, which identifies an object. It  represents an indirect reference to an OS resource. Often needed in combination with WinAPI functions.


Eine Include-Datei ist ebenfalls eine Quellcode-Datei (meist mit der Endung .pbi) und enthält üblicherweise Funktionen, Prozeduren, Variablen-Definitionen, etc. - welche häufiger (in verschiedenen Projekten) wiederverwendet werden sollen. Diese Dateien werden mit den Include- bzw. XInclude-Befehlen in andere PB-Quellcodes eingebunden.


Keywords are PureBasic's own "commands" ; with which are defined procedures, structures and much more. e.g.: Procedure, EndProcedure, Structure, EndStructure etc..

The keywords are always available in PureBasic, a command library doesn't have to be loaded for it.


Common word for "command library" (mostly: "libraries", abbreviation: "Lib" or "Libs"), which contain commands and functions for use in PureBasic. There are included libraries (in the directory PureBasic\PureLibraries\) as well as User-Libraries (in the directory PureBasic\PureLibraries\UserLibraries\) written by users.

Operating System (OS)

The operating system is what provides all of the needed basic functions and the interface for user's programs. The most widespreaded OS is surely Windows® from Microsoft®.


Parameters are the values (variables) given to a function, command, keyword or procedure. If a parameter is "optional", (you can decide to use it or not use it); then this parameter will be displayed in square [brackets] in the manual.


A pointer (indicator) is a variable which contains a memory address at which data is stored.

Source code

(also only: Code)

Source code is the program code (in our case the PureBasic program code) entered by the programmer. From the source code the compiler can create an executable program.


Defines the rules for correctly using a function, command, operator, etc.


A thread is the basic unit in which the OS reserves computing time. A straight active (executed) application consists of one or several threads and is also descibed as a process.


An exercise - ideally with description and example code - about different themes around PureBasic programming. You can found a selection on the Tutorials page.

Windows API

The Microsoft® Windows® operating system enables access to many integrated functions to the user, so he can easily improve his applications with more possibilities. Access to the operating system is made via a defined software interface, called: Application Programming Interface (API).