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[url=] [b]PBBT Userlib package (18) v.1.22[/b][/url]
Information: No noobware. Codes not stolen. Correctly programmed.
This package contains 18 userlibraries for PureBasic 4.1x
* PBBT_Stack (Simple datastack; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_Timer (Frametimer; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_TT (Timerthread-Libary; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_JoySys (Using joystick without DirectInput)
* PBBT_DPA (Dynamic pointer array; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_StrPlus (Additional (fast) stringfunctions for PureBasic)
* PBBT_PE (Creating particleffects very easy)
* PBBT_DYNLL (Creating dynamic linkedlists ; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_DisplaySettings (Examining possible display-settings)
* PBBT_MailSlot (Use mailslots very easy; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_DrawEx (Extension for the PB drawing library.)
* PBBT_Chunkfile ((De-)Link your gameresources very easy; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_AVICAP (Control your webcam very easy; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_TaskMan (Examining and killing of processes and threads)
* PBBT_TPL (Template-Engine for PB; Objectmanaged)
* PBBT_Cypher (Ultrafast en-/decrypting for datas)
* PBBT_Image (Comfortably manipulating of bitmaps)
* PBBT_Queue (Dataqueue; Objectmanaged) *New
The most of this userlibraries uses the objectmanagement of purebasic.
So you can use many functions nearly like gadgets, windows and files per ID.
Also, you can create instances dynamicly by using #pb_any.
Manuals are in english. But please excuse my funny englisch.
In the future, I will add more libraries.
I?m sorry. But it isn?t possible to compile this libs for linux, too.
?Cause I was using tons of API.
Demos of the particle lib (binaries):
Changes from 1.21 to 1.22
* Fixed: PBBT_Melodream_Catch and PBBT_Melodream_Load
[304 KB] (2260 Downloads)