Back to the list Starworld version: 1.0
Windows Type: Game Genre: - Language: Multilingual
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[b]Starworld v.1.0[/b][/url]

Starworld is a classic, turn-based "conquer-the-galaxy-game".

Features :

* Classic, turnbased Strategy Game - explore and conquer space !
* 30 up to 100 solar systems with up to 5 planets each
* 10 different Ressources
* Free constructable Spaceships out of 56 components
* 4 different additional features of the races
* up to 6 players
* sophisticated AI :
The Computerplayers have no unfair advantages,
but are really challenging.
* Multiplayer using TCP/IP in LAN
* each player can make his turn at the same time - so no one has to wait

Starworld is a remake of one of my old AMIGA-programs.
The AMIGA-version was programmed in AMOS and i luckily scratched the sources from some old floppy-disks.
So the basic logic of the game and structures for the AI of the computer-players were taken from this old AMIGA-version.
In the new Windows-version i am using Standard-GUI.

If anyone wants to create a UNIX or MacOS-Version - feel free to contact me.

Currently Starworld is FREEWARE.
No profit can be gained here (except honour and glory)
If anyone likes this program, a donnation can be made for the German Cancer research Center (DKFZ).
[4.69 MB]    (1275 Downloads)

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20:01:23 2007-02-17
Das Spiel erinnert mich an eines was ich mal f?r den Amiga hatte. Nicht schlecht aber ich hatte mehr Animationen erhofft.


18:19:31 2007-05-23
Die Spielidee finde ich echt klasse.
Jedoch empfinde ich das gesamte Userinterface als nicht sehr intuitiv gestaltet.
Das Spiel erkl?rt sich selbst wenig. Das nimmt etwas Spielspass.

Es war sicher viel Arbeit und das sieht man trotz den Mankos auch.
Daher von mir 6 Punkte.

