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[url=] [b]Starworld v.1.0[/b][/url]
Starworld is a classic, turn-based "conquer-the-galaxy-game".
Features :
* Classic, turnbased Strategy Game - explore and conquer space !
* 30 up to 100 solar systems with up to 5 planets each
* 10 different Ressources
* Free constructable Spaceships out of 56 components
* 4 different additional features of the races
* up to 6 players
* sophisticated AI :
The Computerplayers have no unfair advantages,
but are really challenging.
* Multiplayer using TCP/IP in LAN
* each player can make his turn at the same time - so no one has to wait
Starworld is a remake of one of my old AMIGA-programs.
The AMIGA-version was programmed in AMOS and i luckily scratched the sources from some old floppy-disks.
So the basic logic of the game and structures for the AI of the computer-players were taken from this old AMIGA-version.
In the new Windows-version i am using Standard-GUI.
If anyone wants to create a UNIX or MacOS-Version - feel free to contact me.
Currently Starworld is FREEWARE.
No profit can be gained here (except honour and glory)
If anyone likes this program, a donnation can be made for the German Cancer research Center (DKFZ).
[4.69 MB] (1275 Downloads)