Back to the list ov:Lib version: 0.26
Windows Type: UserLIB/DLL Genre: - Language: English
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[b]ov:Lib v.0.26[/b][/url]

What is this all about?

While PureBasic already has a certain support for OggVorbis files,
it still lacks streaming-capabilities, thus making it impossible to use
any sounds longer than about a minute - like background music.

With [ov:Lib], this gap has been closed. Now it?s possible to play
OggVorbis music with a length of five minutes and more. (No one
stops you from using half an hour scores in your next game...)
The sound data can be loaded from disk or from memory, leaving
the choice up to you.

Just streaming - nothing more?

Starting with version 0.25, [ov:Lib] provides some basic FFT functions,
making it easy to do simple visualizations, beat-detection, etc.

What ov:Lib is not

[ov:Lib] is by no means supposed to be a replacement for PureBasic?s
Sound-Library. Its one and only purpose is to stream OggVorbis files
with ease, packed into a single small library.
[96 KB]    (1244 Downloads)

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23:33:50 2005-01-24
Die lib ist verdammt gut. Endlich eine m?glichkeit Ogg format in Purebasic benutzen zu k?nnen. Das Ogg format ist zum Teil sogar leistungsf?higer als das MP3 Format. Der Download lohnt sich schon alleine wegen dem Lied.

17:42:24 2005-01-25
Kann jemand das mal auf Deutsch ?bersetzen, ich bin zu m?de zum ?bersetzen.

03:33:55 2005-02-04
Deutsche Beschreibung hinzugef?gt.

@traumatic: hoffe, dies ist so ok. ;-)

19:15:35 2005-03-24
Danke Andr?! :)