ToolBarImageButton(#Button, ImageID [, Mode [, Text$]])Description
Add an image button to the toolbar being constructed. CreateToolBar() must be called before to use this function.
#Button The new toolbar button identifier. ImageID The image to use for the button. It can be easily obtained by using ImageID() from the Image library. It can be an image loaded with LoadImage() or created in memory with CreateImage(). To have a real transparent background, use the 'icon' (.ico) file format on Windows, or the PNG file format on Linux/MacOS X. Mode (optional) The mode value can be one of the following constants: #PB_ToolBar_Normal: the button will act as standard button (default) #PB_ToolBar_Toggle: the button will act as toggle buttonGetToolBarButtonState() and SetToolBarButtonState() can be used to retrieve or modify a toggle button state.Text$ (optional) The text to display with this button. The toolbar has to be created with the #PB_ToolBar_Text flag, or the text won't be displayed.
Return value
If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 150, 25, "ToolBar", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) CreateImage(0,16,16) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) Box(0,0,16,16,RGB(255,255,255)) Box(4,4,8,8,RGB(255,0,0)) StopDrawing() CreateImage(1,16,16) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(1)) Box(0,0,16,16,RGB(255,0,0)) Box(4,4,8,8,RGB(255,255,255)) StopDrawing() If CreateToolBar(0, WindowID(0)) ToolBarImageButton(0,ImageID(0)) ToolBarImageButton(1,ImageID(1)) EndIf Repeat Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow EndIf
See Also
CreateToolBar(), ToolBarStandardButton(), ToolBarSeparator()
Supported OS