UserGuide - Building a graphical user interface (GUI)

In addition to the console window, PureBasic supports the creation of graphical user interfaces (GUI) too. So let's revisit the file properties example from previous items again and turn it into a GUI application.

Note that PureBasic provides a far easier way of getting this particular job done already - the ExplorerListGadget(); but, as the example is intended to introduce managing GUI elements, using that gadget would defeat this object a bit.
  ; The structure for file information as before.
  Structure FILEITEM
  ; This is a constant to identify the window.
  ; This is an enumeration to identify controls which will appear on the window.
  ; Now we define a list of files using the structure previously specified.
  NewList Files.FILEITEM()
  ; And some working variables to make things happen.
  Define.s Access, Attrib, Create, Folder, Modify, Msg, Num, Size
  Define.l Result, Flags
  ; These variables will receive details of GUI events as they occur in the program.
  Define.l Event, EventWindow, EventGadget, EventType, EventMenu
  ; This function gets the home directory for the logged on user.
  Folder = GetHomeDirectory()
  ; Open the directory to enumerate its contents.
  Result = ExamineDirectory(0, Folder, "*.*")
  ; If this is ok, begin enumeration of entries.
  If Result
    ; Loop through until NextDirectoryEntry(0) becomes zero - indicating that there are no more entries.
    While NextDirectoryEntry(0)
      ; If the directory entry is a file, not a folder.
      If DirectoryEntryType(0) = #PB_DirectoryEntry_File

        ; Add a new element to the list.
        ; And populate it with the properties of the file.
        Files()\Name = DirectoryEntryName(0)
        Files()\Size = DirectoryEntrySize(0)
        Files()\Attributes = DirectoryEntryAttributes(0)
        Files()\DateCreated = DirectoryEntryDate(0, #PB_Date_Created)
        Files()\DateAccessed = DirectoryEntryDate(0, #PB_Date_Accessed)
        Files()\DateModified = DirectoryEntryDate(0, #PB_Date_Modified)
    ; Close the directory.
  ; Sort the list into ascending alphabetical order of file name.
  SortStructuredList(Files(), #PB_Sort_Ascending, OffsetOf(FILEITEM\Name), #PB_String)
  ; The interesting stuff starts to happen here...
  ; This line defines a flag for the window attributes by OR-ing together the desired attribute constants.
  Flags = #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_SizeGadget | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_MaximizeGadget | #PB_Window_TitleBar
  ; Open a GUI window.
  OpenWindow(#WindowFiles, 50, 50, 450, 400, "File Properties", Flags)
  ; A text gadget to show the name of the folder.
  TextGadget(#Folder, 5, 40, 440, 25, Folder)
  ; A list icon gadget to hold the file list and properties.
  ListIconGadget(#Files, 5, 70, 440, 326, "#", 35)
  ; Add columns to the ListIconGadget to hold each property.
  AddGadgetColumn(#Files, 1, "Name", 200)
  AddGadgetColumn(#Files, 2, "Created", 100)
  AddGadgetColumn(#Files, 3, "Accessed", 100)
  AddGadgetColumn(#Files, 4, "Modified", 100)
  AddGadgetColumn(#Files, 5, "Attributes", 150)
  AddGadgetColumn(#Files, 6, "Size", 100)
  ; Load the files into the list view.
  ForEach Files()
    ; Display the item number and file name.
    Num = StrU(ListIndex(Files()) + 1)
    ; These lines convert the three date values to something more familiar.
    Create = FormatDate("%dd/%mm/%yyyy", Files()\DateCreated)
    Access = FormatDate("%dd/%mm/%yyyy", Files()\DateAccessed)
    Modify = FormatDate("%dd/%mm/%yyyy", Files()\DateModified)
    ; Convert the file size to a padded string the same as with the index value above,
    ; but allow space for the maximum size of a quad.
    Size = StrU(Files()\Size)
    ; Convert the attributes to a string, for now.
    Attrib = StrU(Files()\Attributes)
    ; Build a row string.  
    ; The Line Feed character 'Chr(10)' tells the gadget to move to the next column.
    Msg = Num + Chr(10) + Files()\Name + Chr(10) + Create + Chr(10) + Access + Chr(10) + Modify + Chr(10) + Attrib + Chr(10) + Size
    ; Add the row to the list view gadget.
    AddGadgetItem(#Files, -1, Msg)
  Next Files()
  ; This is the event loop for the window.  
  ; It will deal with all the user interaction events that we wish to use. 
    ; Wait until a new window or gadget event occurs.
    Event = WaitWindowEvent()
    ; In programs with more than one form, which window did the event occur on.
    EventWindow = EventWindow()
    ; Which gadget did the event occur on.
    EventGadget = EventGadget()
    ; What sort of event occurred.
    EventType = EventType()
    ; Take some action.
    Select Event
      Case #PB_Event_Gadget
        ; A gadget event occurred.
        If EventGadget = #Folder
        ElseIf EventGadget = #Files
      Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
        ; The window was closed.
        If EventWindow = #WindowFiles
    ; Go round and do it again.
    ; In practice the loop isn't infinite because it can be stopped by clicking the window's Close button.
At this point the application already has some useful features. However, it has some problems too:
1) You can't choose a folder to show.
2) You can't update the list contents without closing and restarting the program.
3) If you resize the window, the gadgets don't resize with it.
4) The attributes column is still not very useful.
We will revisit this program again later on to fix all these issues.

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