List of Platform-dependent Functions

Libraries that are not fully cross-platform:

Individual commands that are not fully cross-platform:

DesktopFrequency WindowsLinuxMacOS Always returns 0 on Linux
AudioCDLength WindowsLinuxMacOS Always returns 0 on Linux
EjectAudioCD WindowsLinuxMacOS Does nothing on MacOS
RawKey WindowsLinuxMacOS Returns 0 on Linux and MacOS, as this info is not available there
ClearConsole WindowsLinuxMacOS On Linux or MacOS, this is ignored as the console is only line based
ConsoleCursor WindowsLinuxMacOS On Linux or MacOS, this is ignored as the console is only line based
ConsoleLocate WindowsLinuxMacOS On Linux or MacOS, this is ignored as the console is only line based
ConsoleTitle WindowsLinuxMacOS On Linux or MacOS, this is ignored as the console is only line based
EnableGraphicalConsole WindowsLinuxMacOS On Linux or MacOS, this is ignored as the console is only line based
DragFiles WindowsLinuxMacOS  
DragPrivate WindowsLinuxMacOS  
DragText WindowsLinuxMacOS  
GadgetItemID WindowsLinuxMacOS Only for TreeGadget on Windows, returns 0 else
MDIGadget WindowsLinuxMacOS The MDI concept is not present on Linux (GTK) or MacOSX
InitScintilla WindowsLinuxMacOS Only has an effect on Windows, return true on other OS (only Windows needs to load a dll).
KeyboardMode WindowsLinuxMacOS Only has an effect on Windows, ignored else
GetFunctionEntry WindowsLinuxMacOS Only present on Windows
CountLibraryFunctions WindowsLinuxMacOS Examining Library content is not possible on MacOS
ExamineLibraryFunctions WindowsLinuxMacOS Examining Library content is not possible on MacOS
LibraryFunctionAddress WindowsLinuxMacOS Examining Library content is not possible on MacOS
LibraryFunctionName WindowsLinuxMacOS Examining Library content is not possible on MacOS
NextLibraryFunction WindowsLinuxMacOS Examining Library content is not possible on MacOS
MovieAudio WindowsLinuxMacOS Always returns 0 on Linux
MovieInfo WindowsLinuxMacOS Always returns 0 on Linux
MovieLength WindowsLinuxMacOS Always returns 0 on Linux
MovieSeek WindowsLinuxMacOS Always returns 0 on Linux
MouseWheel WindowsLinuxMacOS Works only on Windows, returns 0 on the other OS
UseJCALG1Packer WindowsLinuxMacOS Only available on Windows x86
CocoaMessage WindowsLinuxMacOS It's an OS X specific command.
SelectedFontColor WindowsLinuxMacOS Returns the passed color on Linux and MacOS, as there is no color option
ChangeGamma DirectXOpenGlLinuxMacOS Only works with DirectX9, ignored else
ScreenID DirectXOpenGlSDLOpenGlMacOS Does not work with OpenGL, returns 0 there
GetSoundFrequency WindowsLinuxMacOS Only works on Windows, does nothing else
SetSoundFrequency WindowsLinuxMacOS Only works on Windows, does nothing else
SoundPan WindowsLinuxMacOS Only works on Windows and MacOS, does nothing on Linux
ThreadPriority WindowsLinuxMacOS Returns 16 (default) and has no effect on Linux and MacOS
ToolBarStandardButton WindowsLinuxMacOS On MacOS, adds an item without an image, as no standard set is available
SetWindowCallback WindowsLinuxMacOS Windows specific Event handling
SmartWindowRefresh WindowsLinuxMacOS Only has an effect on Windows, ignored else
PdfVectorOutput WindowsLinuxMacOS  
SvgVectorOutput WindowsLinuxMacOS