Includes Functions
DescriptionIncludeFile "Filename"
IncludeFile will always include the specified source file, at the current place in the code (even if XIncludeFile has been called for this file before).
IncludeFile "Sources\myfile.pb" ; This file will be inserted in the current code.This command is useful, if you want to split your source code into several files, to be able to reuse parts e.g. in different projects.
DescriptionXIncludeFile "Filename"
XIncludeFile is similar to IncludeFile excepts it avoids to include the same file twice.
XIncludeFile "Sources\myfile.pb" ; This file will be inserted. XIncludeFile "Sources\myfile.pb" ; This file will be ignored along with all subsequent calls.This command is useful, if you want to split your source code into several files, to be able to reuse parts e.g. in different projects.
DescriptionIncludeBinary "filename"
IncludeBinary will include the named file at the current place in the code. Including should be done inside a Data block.
DataSection MapLabel: IncludeBinary "Data\" EndDataSectionThis command is especially useful in combination with the Catch-commands (currently there are /CatchImage(), /CatchSound(), /CatchSprite()) to include images, sounds, sprites etc. into the executable.
DescriptionIncludePath "path"
IncludePath will specify a default path for all files included after the call of this command. This can be very handy when you include many files which are in the same directory.
IncludePath "Sources\Data" IncludeFile "Sprite.pb" XIncludeFile "Music.pb"