Command-line options for the IDE
The PureBasic IDE allows you to modify the paths and files being used from the command-line. This allows you to create several shortcuts that start the IDE with different configurations for different users, or for different projects./VERSION displays the IDE version and exits /HELP or /? displays a description of the command-line argumentsOptions for launching the IDE:
/P <Preferences file> loads/saves all the configuration to/from the given file /T <Templates file> loads/saves the code templates from/to the given file /A <tools file> loads/saves the configuration of the external tool from/to this file /S <Source path> overwrites the "Source path" setting from the preferences /E <Explorer path> starts the Explorer tool with the given path /L <Line number> moves the cursor to the given line number in the last opened file /H <HistoryDatabase> specify the file to use for the session history database /NOEXT disables the registering of the .pb extension in the registry /LOCAL puts all preferences in the PureBasic directory instead of the user profile location /PORTABLE the same as /LOCAL and /NOEXT combinedOptions for building projects:
/BUILD <file> specifies the project file to build /TARGET <target> specifies the target to build (the default is to build all targets) /QUIET hides all build messages except errors /READONLY does not update the project file after compiling (with new access time and build counters)The default files for /P /T and /A are saved in the %APPDATA%\PureBasic\ directory on the system.
PureBasic.exe Example.pb /PORTABLE