Add a new submesh to the currently mesh previously created with CreateMesh(). A mesh can have any number of submeshes. A submesh position is relative the mesh position. Once a submesh is created, use the following commands to build it: MeshVertexPosition(), MeshFace() and MeshIndex().
Type (optional) The type of the new submesh. It can be one of the following value: #PB_Mesh_TriangleList : the submesh will be composed of a list of triangles (default). #PB_Mesh_TriangleStrip: the submesh will be composed of a list of connected triangles (vertices are shared). #PB_Mesh_TriangleFan : the submesh will be composed of a list of triangles sharing the same central vertex point. #PB_Mesh_PointList : the submesh will be composed of a list of points. #PB_Mesh_LineList : the submesh will be composed of a list of lines. #PB_Mesh_LineStrip : the submesh will be composed of a list of connected lines (vertices are shared).
Return value
See Also
FreeMesh(), CreateMesh(), MeshVertexPosition(), MeshFace()
Supported OS