

EntityAnimationBlendMode(#Entity, Mode)
Changes the #Entity animation blendmode.


#Entity The entity to use.
Mode The blend mode can be one of the following value:
  #PB_EntityAnimation_Average:    The blend will result of the average of the two animations (default). For example, if
                                  the first animation rotates an arm 40 degrees and the second animation rotates the arm 90 degrees,
                                  the arm will rotate (40+90)/2 = 65 degrees (if the both animation are played with full weight).
  #PB_EntityAnimation_Cumulative: The blend will sum the two animations. For example, if the first animation rotates an arm 40 degrees
                                  and the second animation rotates the arm 90 degrees, the arm will rotate 40+90 = 130 degrees
                                  (if the both animation are played with full weight).

Return value



When switching from an animation to another with SetEntityAnimationWeight(), a blend is applied to have a smooth transition between the animations.

See Also

StartEntityAnimation(), SetEntityAnimationWeight()

Supported OS


<- AddEntityAnimationTime() - EntityAnimation Index - EntityAnimationStatus() ->