

InputEvent3D(MouseX, MouseY, LeftMouseButton [, Text$, SpecialKey])
Injects events in the 3D GUI system. To be versatile enough, the events aren't automatically gets from the main mouse and keyboard, but injected on demand.


MouseX The 'x' mouse position to be injected in the GUI system, in pixels.
MouseY The 'y' mouse position to be injected in the GUI system, in pixels.
LeftMouseButton The left mouse button state (either zero if unpressed or one if pressed) to be injected in the GUI system.
Text$ (optional) The text to be injected in the GUI system, for example to feed a StringGadget3D() when it has the focus.
SpecialKey (optional) Non displayable keys to be injected in the GUI system, for example to handle backspace, enter and such. The available special keys are:

Return value



  ; Here is the classic case to get the events from the mouse
  InputEvent3D(MouseX(), MouseY(), MouseButton(#PB_MouseButton_Left))

Supported OS


<- InitEngine3D() - Engine3D Index - LoadWorld() ->